Gardening Tip ~ Carrot Tops
I just harvested some carrots and wondered about uses for their leafy tops. Here’s what I learned.
I just harvested some carrots and wondered about uses for their leafy tops. Here’s what I learned.
Are squirrels eating all the food you place in your birdfeeder? My late husband would put out birdfeed and had many a squirrel as well as raccoons emptying the feeder regularly. But he continued to fill the feeder given the joy he got from watch
Many people believe that organic gardening is simply growing food and flower gardens without taking measures to promote the growth of your plants or prevent pests and diseases. Organic gardeners will definitely beg to differ with this view!
Last year one of our monthly speakers was a teenager, Emma Biggs, well known for growing tomatoes in downtown Toronto. She spoke of how to grow them, get the best yield even in a small garden, and how to harvest the seeds to start the next season
Writing about the invasive Garlic Mustard was to be a simple, therapeutic way to share my daunting experience of discovering and attempting to eradicate this aggressive plant.
ISSUE: Help! I repotted two tropicals with some potting soil that appears to be saturated with little fruit fly-looking beasties! I added a sticky fly tape and it is covered with them.
Rose flowers are incredibly beautiful to look at and those with fragrances are a bonus to smell. It is why roses are called the queen of flowers.
Recently the Old Farmer’s Almanac had an interesting article on thinning vegetable seedlings and getting rid of cutworms. It also had good before and after pictures which helped with showing how this was done.
Some perennials start to bloom earlier than they are supposed to either due to early summer weather or great soil where they are planted.
As a toddler, the firstborn to my parents, I enjoyed time spent in the garden playing in my sandbox. A companion, who invariably joined me in my play, was a magnificent toad.